Wells Area Improvement Project

Project Overview

The Wells Area Improvement Project is underway.  The Project has two major elements:

  • Extend the existing 2-mile passing siding track in Wells six-miles.
  • Construct a boarding platform adjacent to the second track at Wells Station and an elevated pedestrian bridge to provide grade-separated passenger access to/from both tracks. 

These elements will improve reliability and schedule flexibility of both the Amtrak Downeaster and freight trains and will eventually support the addition of a 6th daily Downeaster round-trip between Wells and Brunswick, Maine. 

Project Milestones

Date Goal
Spring 2024 CSX begins work on siding track construction
February 2024 Platform/pedestrian bridge design finalized

Project Budget

The total project budget is $31,095,403.

Seventy-three percent of the total is being paid for through the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement Grant awarded to NNEPRA by the Federal Railroad Administration in 2019 matched by a 20 percent contribution from the Maine Department of Transportation and six and a half percent contribution from CSX .

Project Photos

July 2024- RJ Corman has approximately 3,000 TF single plated of ties laid out.
January 2023- The CSX Rail Train being positioned to begin offloading more rail.

Project Schedule

Estimated Completion Date: Fall 2025

Updated 1/9/2024