Board of Directors

The NNEPRA Board of Directors, appointed by the Governor of the State of Maine, is supported by the collective efforts of staff to develop the operating strategies, marketing programs, community relations, food service, and service planning activities.

Jim Cohen, Chairman
Alan Casavant, Vice Chairman
Carol Murray, Treasurer
Marguerite Fleming, Director
Alison Harris, Director

Bruce Van Note, Director
Commissioner, Maine Department of Transportation
MaineDOT Alternates: Nathan Moulton

Heather Johnson, Director
Commissioner, Maine State Department of Economic and Community Development
DECD Alternate: Carolann Ouellette

Upcoming Board Meetings

The NNEPRA Board of Directors Meeting is held the 4th Monday of each month.

There is no meeting scheduled for December 2024. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season!

Archive of Board Briefing Materials and Reports

Click the link to access past Board of Directors briefing materials.