
NNEPRA is committed to providing a public transit system that is accessible for all. The policies provided on this page are intended to enable NNEPRA to receive feedback to ensure this commitment.

Title VI Notice to the Public

NNEPRA believes that no person on the basis of race, color, national origin, or transportation disability will be subjected to discrimination in the level and quality of transportation services and transit related benefits. Any person or persons who believe that there is discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or transportation disability as it relates to the provision of transportation services and transit-related benefits may file a complaint with the Federal Transit Administration and/or the U.S. Department of Transportation. NNEPRA’s entire Title VI plan can be found here.

To find out more about NNEPRA’s non-discrimination procedures or to file a complaint, please contact 207-780-1000.

You may file a signed, written complaint up to 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination by one of two methods:

1. By using the Title VI Complaint Form: English,  Spanish,  French,  PortugueseSomali

2. Sending a separate piece of paper that should include:

  • Your name, address and telephone number.
  • How, why, and when you believe you were discriminated against. Include as much specific, detailed information as possible about the alleged acts of discrimination, and any other relevant information.
  • The names of any persons, if known, who the Title VI Reviewer could contact for clarity of your allegations.

Your complaint must be signed and dated.

Please submit your complaint to the address listed below:
Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority
Attn:  Grant Program and Compliance Specialist
75 W. Commercial Street, Suite #104
Portland, ME 04101

Or, you may contact:
Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration
Office of Civil Rights, TCR-1
1201 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

Um eine Übersetzung dieser Nachricht in Deutsch anzufordern, kontaktieren Sie bitte Catherine unter 207-780-1000 x104 oder info@nnepra.com

Pour demander la traduction de cet avis en français, veuillez contacter Catherine au 207-780-1000 x104 ou info@nnepra.com

Para solicitar la traducción de este aviso al español, comuníquese con Catherine al 207-780-1000 x104 o info@nnepra.com

Si aad u codsatid turjumidan ogeysiiskan ah, fadlan kala soo xiriir Catherine 207-780-1000 x104 ama info@nnepra.com

Para solicitar a tradução deste aviso para o português, entre em contato com Catherine pelo telefone 207-780-1000 x104 ou info@nnepra.com

Accessibility (ADA Compliance)

All Downeaster trains welcome passengers with special needs. Downeaster trains and stations are wheelchair-accessible, allow service animals, and offer assistance when needed. Information (such as schedules and meeting documents) is available in alternative formats upon request.  

  • Contact Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) or 1-800-523-6590 (TTY) to request information in an alternative format; or,
  • Contact NNEPRA’s Grant Program and Compliance Specialist by calling 1-207-780-1000 x104 or e-mailing catherine@nnepra.com to request information in an alternative format; or,
  • Alternative formats may also be requested online by visiting http://www.amtrakdowneaster.com or https://www.nnepra.com and selecting Contact Us.
  • Interpreter services are available by request.

 Please use the complaint form found here to submit an ADA related complaint.

You may also contact the ADA Coordinator at the following:

Attn:  Catherine Davidson, Grant Program and Compliance Specialist
75 West Commercial Street, Suite 104

Portland, ME 04101
PH:  207-780-1000 x104
FAX:  207-780-1001

E-MAIL:  info@nnepra.com

Reasonable Modifications

 NNEPRA will consider requests for reasonable modifications to policies and procedures for persons with disabilities. For more information please email Brian@nnepra.com and include type of request and contact information. Click here for form.

Freedom of Access Requests

“The public’s right to information about government activities lies at the heart of a democratic government. The Maine Freedom of Access Act (“FOAA”) grants the people of this state a broad right of access to public records while protecting legitimate governmental interests and the privacy rights of individual citizens. The act also ensures the accountability of the government to the citizens of the state by requiring public access to the meetings of public bodies. Transparency and open decision-making are fundamental principles of the Maine Freedom of Access Act, and they are essential to ensuring continued trust and confidence in our government.”
(From www.maine.gov/foaa/)

NNEPRA – Office Administrator
Belle Askinasi

NNEPRA FOAA Public Records Policy

75 West Commercial Street, Suite 104
Portland, ME 04101
Phone: 207-780-1000
Fax: 207-780-1001
Email: info@nnepra.com