The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) is pleased to welcome three new members, Alan Cassavant, Alison Harris and Marguerite Fleming, to its Board of Directors. Per statue, Governor Janet Mills, appointed the three Directors who were then approved by the Joint Committee on Transportation, and confirmed by the State Senate.
Alan Cassavant, a former teacher and State Legislator, has served as the Mayor of Biddeford, ME for the past eleven years. Alison Harris, a resident of Brunswick, ME is a public transportation advocate who has been actively involved in the expansion of Amtrak Downeaster service and currently volunteers as a passenger ambassador at the Brunswick Station. Marguerite Flemming, a graduate student of the Muskie School of Public Service, is the Administrative Analyst for the Town of Falmouth, ME.
The new Board slate replaces exiting members whose terms have expired including John Melrose, who served as Board Chair since 2016; Dana Connors who served on the Board since 2002, most recently as Vice Chair and Treasurer; and Brian Hobart, who served since 2017.
NNEPRA Board Director James I. Cohen, Esq. has been appointed Chair by Governor Janet Mills and Board members have elected Director Carol Murray to serve as Treasurer. The seven-member NNEPRA Board also includes Transportation Commissioner Bruce Van Note and Maine Office of Tourism Director, Steve Lyons, who serve ex-officio as voting members.

Left: Marguerite Fleming, Top Right: Alan Cassavant, Bottom Right: Alison Harris