Wells Area Improvement Project

Project Overview

The Wells Area Improvement Project is underway.  The Project has two major elements:

  • Extend the existing 2-mile passing siding track in Wells six-miles.
  • Construct a boarding platform adjacent to the second track at Wells Station and an elevated pedestrian bridge to provide grade-separated passenger access to/from both tracks. 

These elements will improve reliability and schedule flexibility of both the Amtrak Downeaster and freight trains and will eventually support the addition of a 6th daily Downeaster round-trip between Wells and Brunswick, Maine. 

Project Milestones

Date Goal
November 2024 Bid process for platform and pedestrian bridge construction begins
Spring 2024 CSX begins work on siding track construction

Project Budget

The total project budget is $31,095,403.

Seventy-three percent of the total is being paid for through the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement Grant awarded to NNEPRA by the Federal Railroad Administration in 2019 matched by a 20 percent contribution from the Maine Department of Transportation and six and a half percent contribution from CSX .

Project Photos

September 2024- RJ Corman removes the turnout panel (switch) at CPF 228.
July 2024- RJ Corman has approximately 3,000 TF single plated of ties laid out.
January 2023- The CSX Rail Train being positioned to begin offloading more rail.

Project Schedule

Estimated Completion Date: Fall 2025

Updated 1/9/2024