The expansion to Downeaster train facilities at the Wells Transportation Center began on March 3, 2025. The project includes the replacement of the existing high level boarding platform adjacent to the Wells Station building as well as the construction of a second boarding platform across the tracks connected by an overhead pedestrian bridge. The additional platform will allow Amtrak Downeaster trains arriving at the station from opposing directions to board and alight passengers simultaneously.
The contract to construct the platform and pedestrian bridge was awarded to Great Falls Construction, based in Gorham, following a competitive bid process. The $11.8M project will support approximately 80 jobs and involve approximately 40 suppliers throughout its 18 month duration.
“We are excited to collaborate with NNEPRA on this endeavor which will enhance transportation infrastructure and serve the Maine community and its visitors well for year to come. It’s a great project and we are happy to be a part of it,” said Jon Smith, President of Great Falls Construction.
Amtrak Downeaster trains will continue to operate throughout construction. A temporary boarding platform will be built to provide passenger access to trains and the traffic flow within the parking lot will be modified while work is underway.

The platform expansion is part of the $31.9 million Wells Area Improvement Project (WAIP) funded in part by the Federal Railroad Administration through the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement (CRISI) discretionary grant program, with matching funds provided by the Maine Department of Transportation and CSX Transportation. The WAIP project also included a six-mile extension to the second track located in front of the station, which was completed by CSX in 2024.
The additional platform, combined with the added track capacity, will support an additional Downeaster train which will operate between Brunswick and Wells each morning on a schedule designed to serve commuters travelling to and from the Greater Portland Region. A start date for that frequency has not been determined.
“We are delighted to work with Great Falls on this important project that will provide more options for Maine residents to get back and forth to work without adding to traffic congestion,” said Patricia Quinn, NNEPRA Executive Director. “We are grateful for the partnership and collaboration with our funding and operating partners, as well as the Town of Wells and Maine Turnpike Authority, which owns the Wells Station property, throughout this project.”
For Downeaster schedules and fares visit

– Natalie Bogart, Deputy Director at NNEPRA